The manufacture, materials and design of boxes follows the same pattern as does that of chests. Boxes were decorated and painted in the same ways as chests. Even the locks were adapted in the same ways.
For many women, the locked box became a personal hiding place – a special place for jewelry and letters. The sewing box, which held sewing needles, scissors and thimbles and other items that accompanied the woman throughout life, from confirmation on, played a similar role.
Gothic box with drop fork lock. Dictionnaire du Mobilier Francais. E. E. Viollet-le-Duc, 1809. |
Stig Björklund. Anders Zorn, hembygdsvårdaren. Dalaförlaget.
Brynolf Hellner. Järnsmidet i Vasatidens dekorativa konst. Stockholm 1948.
Kulturhistoriskt lexikon för nordisk medeltid (KLNM), Malmö 1958–78.
Toels Lund. Dagligt liv i Norden på 1500-talet. Del II. Stockholm 1945.
Gösta von Schoultz. Kistor. Stockholm 1949.