An 1895 book on the churches of the town of Eksjö tells about a mysterious and spooky lock in the door to the crypt of Höreda Church.
"Just south of the eastern wing of the church is a square crypt, probably from the latter half of the 18th century, in which several members of the noble family Duse of Thorsjö lie buried. Many more or less terrifying ghost stories are associated with this final resting place. The strangest thing about this ancient grave, according to old tales, is that its door never remains closed, but is always ajar.
All attempts to close it are said to be fruitless. After having many times locked the door and thrown away the key, it is said that the church wardens went to the drastic measure of nailing the mysterious door shut with giant nails. The result, however, was the same as ever: the next day the door stood half open.
The reason for the mysterious unrest in the little sepulcher is described thus: that some member of the above-mentioned family has not yet been laid to rest, and the door will not be shut until that person is brought to his rightful place.”
Bengt af Klintberg and Finn Zetterholm. Svensk folkpoesi i urval. Stockholm 1984.
Eksjöortens kyrkor i bild och text. Eksjö 1895.
Tillhagen, Carl-Herman. Barnet i folktron. Falköping 1983.
Wikman, K and Rob V. Svenska skrock och signerier samlade av Leonard Fredrik Rääf. Stockholm 1957.
Erland Ehnmark and Jan–Öjvind Swahn. Världens bästa myter och sagor i urval. Oslo/Gjövik 1992.
Tidigmedeltida dörrnyckel. Foto förf. |